Rocket had his second surgery and is making remarkable progress.

Rocket had surgery on November 28 to repair damage to his right back ankle. The Arthrodesis procedure involved fusing the joint, and two pins were inserted to hold his joint and ligaments in place.

Arthrodesis is required to treat cases of joint hyperextension since this condition causes extensive damage to the ligaments and does not heal on its own.

Rocket will have a significant recovery period of 2-4 months. He needs complete cage rest for 3 weeks and then limited activity until x-rays show the bone has fused completely.

Rocket will have a follow-up and suture removal in 2 weeks. Thank you to everyone who has helped with Rocket’s veterinary care. This handsome, brave boy would not be here today without your kindness and generosity.

We will have more updates on Rocket soon!


Smokey is doing well! 😻


Wawa had surgery; she is home and doing well!😻