Smokey The Cat

Smokey, the Colorado kitty, has a hole on the side of his butt. His mom thinks it could be an abscess or an infected anal gland that has ruptured. This adorable fur baby needs medical attention ASAP!


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Pets In Most Need


Smokey, the Colorado kitty, has a hole on the side of his butt. His mom thinks it could be an abscess or an infected anal gland that has ruptured. This adorable furbaby needs medical attention ASAP! 

Smokey’s mom is on disability, she is scared that his medical bill could be hundreds of dollars, and she doesn’t have the money to pay for it. 

Smokey’s mom said, β€œHe has the biggest personality and is very cuddly. Smokey loves treats and will beg on his hind legs for them. Smokey loves playing with his toys, and he carries them around howling. It breaks my heart that I cannot afford to take him to a veterinarian right now.”

We do not know how much it will cost to treat Smokey’s condition until the veterinarian has examined him. Still, at the very least, he will need pain medications and antibiotics.

Please, can you help this adorable furbaby get the medical care he desperately needs?


Leonidas The Cat


Pluto The Cat