Ruby The Dog
Sweet Ruby needs your help! Ruby the 4 month old pup accidently broke her femur bone in her left back leg when she jumped from the bottom of a flight of stairs and landed awkwardly. Surgery will cost $2,400.00.
Active Date
Monday, August 2, 2021
Pets In Most Need
Please help Kilo the Wisconsin Kitty!
URGENT! πΏ KILO the Kitty has been hospitalized since August 10th with a urinary blockage and suspected bladder tear. He was neutered by the local Human Society in June and two days later his Urethra plug shut and he was unable to urinate.
Kilo currently has a urinary catheter but he needs a Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) procedure done to remove his urinary obstruction ASAP! His mom can not afford the expensive surgery as she has already spent $1,000 towards his hospitalization.
We need help to pay for the surgery to save Kilo's life and his current hospital bill. Please donate today to help Kilo and his mom.