Andy The Cat
Andy the tiny, defenseless 10-week-old kitten was abandoned and abused. Left on a doorstep, he was covered in spray foam insulation that had eaten away at his fur and caused open wounds.
North Carolina
Active Date
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Pets In Most Need
Can you help Andy the North Carolina Kitten?
This tiny, defenseless 10-week-old kitten was abandoned and abused. Left on a doorstep, he was covered in spray foam insulation that had eaten away at his fur and caused open wounds. The wounds have become infected and infested with maggots. His tail has lost all of its fur and the veterinarian is not sure if it can be saved.
How can anyone do this to this little fur baby?
We have paid for the preliminary examination but this little guy may need x-rays and bloodwork, he is going to need a lot of help. We do not know how much his treatment or surgery will cost at this point until the veterinarian gets the bloodwork and x-ray results back.
Pray for this little angel. Every dollar you can donate will go towards any medical care Andy needs now and in the future.
We will have an update soon!