Monkey The Cat
Monkey is the sweetest kitty and companion to her mom who is heartbroken that her fur baby is sick. Monkey has been suffering for a while from what appears to be an upper respiratory infection and an abnormal skin condition.
Active Date
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Pets In Most Need
Monkey is the sweetest kitty and companion to her mom who is heartbroken that her fur baby is sick. Monkey has been suffering for a while from what appears to be an upper respiratory infection, she is constantly sneezing and her condition has gotten so bad, that she is now wheezing and sneezing out blood.
Monkey also has an abnormal skin condition under her chin, that Monkey keeps scratching and making it bleed. Her mom knows that Monkey needs to see a veterinarian quickly, however she is living on a fixed income and for just an exam alone it will cost $56.00, plus any medications Monkey will need to get better.
Her mom just doesn't have the money right now, but she doesnβt want Monkey to be ill. Her mom desperately reached out to us and asked for help.
Just a few dollars will go a long way to help this sweet fur baby get the veterinary care she needs. Can you help?