Loki The Cat
Loki is not feeling well; this beautiful girl has been very lethargic, vomiting and frequenting the litter box. Her elderly mom is worried about her precious girl and asked if we could help with a veterinary exam, bloodwork, and urinalysis.
Active Date
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2022
Pets In Most Need
Loki is not feeling well; this beautiful girl has been very lethargic, vomiting and frequenting the litter box. Her elderly mom is worried about her precious girl and asked if we could help with a veterinary exam, bloodwork, and urinalysis.
On average, a veterinary exam plus diagnostic testing costs between $385.00-$600.00, depending on where you live. That does not include the cost of other possible tests & treatments the veterinarian may recommend and medications. This may not seem that much to some; but when you receive only $980.00 a month in disability benefits, $385.00 is a lot of money!
Loki means the world to her mom, she is disabled, and apart from her Personal Care Assistant (PCA), Loki and her fur sister are her only company. Loki was found in a dumpster by some neighborhood kids ten years ago. She had been thrown away like a piece of trash! Loki was so tiny she could fit in the palm of your hand.
Loki's mom, at first was going to take her to the pound to be adopted, but she fell in love with this precious baby and decided to keep her. She would be devastated if she lost her because she couldn't afford Lokiβs veterinary care.
Please, if you could help a little, we can get Loki to the vet ASAP!