Elvis The Dog

Elvis has a birth defect. Elvis was born with a cleft palate and had to be bottle fed as a puppy because he was unable to nurse. Due to his condition, Elvis has been plagued with infected teeth his whole life.



Active Date

Friday, January 28, 2022


Pets In Most Need


Elvis has a birth defect. Elvis was born with a cleft palate and had to be bottle fed as a puppy because he was unable to nurse. Due to his condition, Elvis has been plagued with infected teeth his whole life. 

Elvis’s condition is extreme, his periodontal disease was given a score of 3 out of 4. He will need multiple teeth pulled and a thorough cleaning. Due to his age, Elvis will also need pre-surgical bloodwork and oral x-rays. His medical treatment is estimated to cost over $2200.00. 

Elvis’s mom is on a fixed income, Elvis is all she has, and she can not bear to see him in pain and discomfort. Without treatment, Elvis’s quality of life would certainly be compromised. 

Can you help this little rock-n-roller get the help he so desperately needs?


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