Meet Beautiful Eris 🐢

Eris received funding from our Emergency Fund to help pay for her emergency surgery. Eris was playing ball in the backyard with her little hooman when she jumped up and landed awkwardly. Eris cried out in pain, and she was holding her back leg up. Eris's mom rushed her to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic, and x-rays confirmed her leg was fractured. Surgery was going to be very expensive, and her family could not afford it. Her veterinarian put a splint on her leg for support to give her family time to raise the money.

Eris's mom found another nonprofit organization to put down a deposit for surgery. Eris's surgery went well, but her family did not have the balance due. Eris's mom contacted us, and we could hear the stress and worry in her voice. This family was going through a hard time; mom was heavily pregnant and the sole breadwinner. Her husband had recently had back surgery, and his temporary disability had run out. Unfortunately, his doctor had not signed off on him returning to work. They were struggling financially to stay afloat and had maxed out any credit they had.

The Emergency Fund helped Eris go home to her loving family. πŸ’•

Eris is recovering very well, and her little hooman hasn't left her side. Eris will have limited activity and leash walk only for several weeks. Eris has a check-up with her veterinarian tomorrow!

Your donation to the Emergency Fund kept this family whole and mended their broken hearts. Thank you!

You can help another pet in need like Eris. Donate HERE.




Alex II’s Valentine’s Gift To You And Your Pet πŸ’•