Mid-Year Emergency Fund πŸ₯

As we reach the middle of this year, we find that our donations have dropped off significantly. Unfortunately, we have recently had some pet cases that cost more than we raised for them.

The Emergency Fund is critical to our survival; if we don't raise enough funds for each pet case, we have to use the Emergency Fund, which prevents us from helping another pet that needs our help right now! πŸ†˜

Can You Help Us Reach Our Goal of $15,000.00?

We feature a pet in the MOST need each week, and you give so generously. We are grateful to each and every one of you for your kindness. Never think that a $5 or $10 donation doesn't make a difference because it does.

Together, we can make more miracles happen. 😻

Here are just some of the pets we have helped save this year!

If the good news stories moved you and you want to help, please donate today!

Thank you for caring about these precious fur babies and the families that love them, they could not have been saved without your help. πŸ’•


10 Reasons To Donate Today!


Tips to help keep your pets safe this July 4th!