Jax was referred to a Specialist Veterinary Hospital for a CT scan to see the exact location of the tumor in his chest and to see if it had metastasized. Jax had the CT scan yesterday, and the good news is the tumor is a fatty lipoma and has not spread to any major organs.

Because the tumor is located in the muscle wall; it is not operable, however; his veterinarian has recommended a course of injections to shrink the lipoma. Studies have shown that 80% of dogs respond well to this treatment.

Jax will start his treatments in a few weeks to allow his previous surgery incision site to heal.

THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS! We are so happy that Jax has a great chance of getting back to his old doggo self.

We will have more updates on this handsome pup soon.


Cosmo is 100%! πŸ’™


Jax’s surgery has been temporarily postponed 😿