Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Whisky is on the mend! 😽

Whisky had a check-up and suture removal. His surgeon recommended Whisky wear his cone for another 10 days to allow his foot to completely heal...

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg


Unfortunately, at Whisky's post-op check-up, due to the location of the surgery site, some of the sutures had loosened and he needed additional sutures put in. Whisky likes to paw at the carpet and this may have contributed to the sutures coming loose, so he has been confined to the laundry room which is tiled until his foot has completely healed...

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

Whisky had surgery and is doing well!πŸ™Œ

Whisky had surgery to remove a growth from his front right paw pad. Unfortunately, due to the tumor’s location, Whisky’s surgeon had to amputate one of his toes to excise the tumor completely.

The surgery went well and the mass was sent to the pathologist; we are waiting on the results. Whisky foot was bandaged for 3 days and he will have the sutures removed 10 days post-op...

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