Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

T-Rex has fully recovered! πŸ’™

T-Rex has fully recovered from his bladder stone surgery. T-Rex’s follow up urine culture was clear and the stone was sent to the laboratory for analysis and it was determined to be a Urate stone. T-Rex will be fed a strict diet of Hill's Prescription Diet c/d Multi-care that will help reduce the likelihood of another stone forming and dissolve any existing crystals.

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg

T-REX is recovering well from his surgery!

T-REX is recovering well from his surgery to remove a painful bladder stone! The sutures are dissolvable and his outfit prevents him from licking the incision area until it has completely healed. HE LOOKS SO CUTE! 😻

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Carla Isenberg Carla Isenberg


T-Rex had battled a painful bladder stone for many months and needed surgery to remove it. We fundraised for T-Rex's much-needed surgery and raised enough to cover the cost of his entire surgery. The surgery went well with no complications, and T-Rex was able to go home the same day …

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