Snowbaby started treatment for Hyperthyrodism!

We put a deposit down to secure Snowbaby's placement as the veterinary hospital has limited space and they only perform the treatment on Mondays so they can monitor the patients for the next 5 days. The hospital is in Maryland 3 hours from Snowbaby's home but it was the closest that handles this kind of radioactive treatment.

Snowbaby started his Radioactive Iodine therapy to treat his Hyperthyroid condition and will be hospitalized for 5 days. His veterinarian said the treatment went well and Snowbaby has been a model patient. He is eating well and the veterinary staff said he is very talkative! 😹

Thank you to everyone who made this life-saving treatment possible for this handsome boy! We will have more updates on Snowbaby soon.


Snowbaby is home and doing well!πŸ™


Kitty has made a full recovery! πŸ™Œ