You can help right now for FREE!

Thank you for caring about saving the lives of cats and dogs in need of urgent veterinary care. We always need more donations to help needy pets, but if you can't afford to donate right now, there are many other ways to help.

You can spread the word to help reach new donors and ensure people know about what we do. We need more funding to pay for marketing to reach more donors, so you are our greatest asset. When you tell a friend about us, you are our spokesperson. Send them a text or make a phone call. Ask your friends to watch our commercial. Every conversation is an opportunity for you to help us spread the word, and it costs you nothing.

Follow, Like, and Comment

Please follow us on FacebookInstagramYoutubePinterest, and LinkedIn. Sharing, liking, and commenting on our posts help us reach more animal lovers like you!

Celebrate Your Birthday With Alex ๐Ÿˆ

For your birthday or any special occasion, you can ask your friends, family, or coworkers for donations to help For The Love Of Alex save lives. Simply send us a message, and we will create a unique link for you to share through email or social media.

Another way to help is to create a Facebook birthday fundraiser. Facebook doesn't charge fees, and we receive their donations within a month.

Don't Buy a Gift; Donate Instead

You can always make donations in honor or memory of someone you love. Upon your request, we can send a card or email to the person you are celebrating. Please send us a message after making your donation, or leave a comment on the donation form.

Save the Date

Giving Tuesday is one of the most significant donation days of the year. Please add that date to your calendar and donate any amount on that day. There are often opportunities for matching contributions on Giving Tuesday, and a well-timed gift can be worth double.

Double Your Donation - Ask Your Employer To Match Your Donation

If you can make a small donation, there is an opportunity to double that amount. Many employers have gift-matching programs. Learn more about doubling your donation here.

Walk For Alex ๐Ÿ•โ€๐Ÿฆบ

For the Love of Alex Inc. participates in Walk For a Charity through WoofTrax. We call it "Walk for Alex." It's a simple way to support our organization by walking, biking, or running! You don't even have to own a dog (pet).

How to "Walk for Alex"

  1. Download the WoofTrax app to your smartphone.

  2. Create an account.

  3. Choose your charity to support. Find "For the Love of Alex Inc" in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

  4. When walking with or without your dog (pet), open the app and select "Start walking."

  5. The app will track your walking distance.

  6. For the Love of Alex will receive a donation from WoofTrax based on the miles you've collected.

Add Alex I or II as one of your "dogs," or choose a virtual dog from the app.

No matter what, having you as part of our family is important. We are grateful you care for the pets we help and the families that love them.

Write a Positive Review

Visit GreatNonprofits and leave a review about the important work we do. If weโ€™ve helped your pet, please include a photo of your pet to make it more impactful.

Sign-Up For Our Newsletter

The next time you run to check your email, look forward to getting something featuring Alex the cat! Stay up-to-date on our current cases and learn about new opportunities to help. Subscribe Below:
