The Cost of Emergency Veterinary Care

Emergency veterinary is very costly and many loving families can not afford the medical care for their beloved fur babies. Families are often faced with making a devastating decision to surrender their pet to a shelter or euthanasia.

Taking your pet to an emergency vet is similar to going to an ER. Usually, loving pet owners take their fur babies to their regular vet if they are sick. But what if their vet is closed or the health of their pet is beyond what your local vet can handle.

Emergency veterinary clinics are usually open 24/7 and always have a qualified ER veterinarian on staff. Emergency veterinary clinics are also there to handle crisis situations. For example, various medical conditions require pets to be hospitalized overnight with care from veterinary nurses, and some general practice veterinary clinics just do not have the capacity to provide that service.

Emergency veterinary visits can be very expensive, the cost of emergency care will depend on where you live, how many vets are in your area, the time of care and the size and breed of your pet. Below is a list of the average cost for an emergency veterinary visit:



General Bloodwork






1-2 Day Hospitalization (vomiting, diarrhea, seizures)


3-5 Day Hospitalization (kidney failure, block cat, parvo)


Wound Treatment & Care


Emergency Surgery (broken bones, bloat, foreign body, hit by car)


Oxygen Therapy


For The Love Of Alex helps families facing a pet medical emergency when they do not have the funds to pay. Can you help save a pets life today? Please donate here.


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