You Can Save Two Hearts From Breaking

Aiko and Einstein’s families are desperately seeking financial help for the cost of their beloved furbabies urgent veterinary care.

Aiko, a beautiful snowshoe kitty from Texas has a tumor on her back right paw pad. This tumor, which has been rapidly growing since April, has caused Aiko significant discomfort, making it difficult for her to bear weight on her affected foot. The distressing symptoms, including bleeding when using the litter box, point to the seriousness of the situation.

A needle aspirate sample revealed cancer cells were present but luckily the x-rays showed the cancer is localized to the toe bean and has not spread. This news offers a ray of hope in an otherwise difficult situation. To ensure Aiko's well-being and quality of life, her veterinarian has recommended amputating the affected toe bean. While this procedure is crucial for Aiko's health and future, the financial burden it presents is a significant obstacle. With estimated costs ranging between $1721.75 - $1807.53, Aiko's mom, who is low-income struggles to keep up with the rising cost of living expenses, and she maxed out her care credit account for diagnostic tests.

Aiko holds a special place in her mom's heart, having been a cherished gift from her grandparents. The bond between Aiko and her mom runs deep, as they have grown up together, with Aiko being her first "baby." Aiko, now 10 years old, will continue to enjoy a long and good quality of life once the tumor is removed.

This adorable orange kitty, Einstein, hails from California. Despite his charming appearance, poor Einstein is currently suffering from severe periodontal disease, which is causing him pain due to abscesses and rotten teeth. At just 8 years old; this surgery holds the promise of not only relieving his pain but also extending his life significantly.

The estimated cost of his dental surgery is between $836.50 and $983.47, depending on the number of teeth needing removal. Unfortunately, Einstein's mom recently lost her job due to a long illness and is currently waiting for her unemployment benefits; and is struggling to make ends meet. However, Einstein needs this surgery ASAP!

Einstein’s furever mom is heartbroken seeing him in pain and drooling. She said, “I love him so much but I'm sure you hear from everyone how much they love their pet. He helps me with my anxiety and depression. She adopted Einstein from a rescue organization 6 years ago, and Einstein has become the center of her world.


The Emergency Fund helped Squeaker recently with his urgent veterinary care. 🚑
