The Emergency Fund is vital to our mission! 🏥

The Emergency Fund is vital to our mission. We do not have the time or resources to fundraise for every pet we help. Some pets need help now and cannot wait a few days for us to fundraise for them. The Emergency Fund supports these pets. 

Last week we helped three kitties with their urgent care; Cosmo, Precious, and Bella. These kitties would have suffered if we had not had the resources to help them.

Cosmo from Portland, Oregon escaped outside over the holiday weekend; Cosmo has a severe facial injury that has abscessed and is infected; Cosmo needed medical attention ASAP! 

Cosmo’s mom has been doctoring his facial wounds as best she could for a few days; she couldn’t afford to take him to an emergency clinic, and her local veterinary clinic would not accept a payment plan. Cosmo’s mom borrowed a cone to prevent him from scratching at his face, but his injury looked like it was worsening. Luckily, Cosmo’s eye was intact and wasn’t damaged. 🙏

The veterinary examination revealed five bite wounds on Cosmo’s forehead and face. Cosmo was the perfect patient; his veterinarian was able to clean and treat the wounds without sedation, and he was given antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, pain medications, and a flea treatment. Cosmo will have a check-up in a few days to ensure his wounds are healing.

We used the Emergency Fund to pay for Cosmo’s exam, wound treatment, and medications.

Precious from Rochester, NY, had a mass suddenly appear on her chin; it didn’t seem to bother her. However, the lump proliferated over just a few weeks, and her dad was worried. 

Precious was diagnosed with Axial Osteosarcoma. Axial Osteosarcoma is an aggressive/malignant bone cancer. The jaw is the most common bone affected by axial OSA. Due to the location of the tumor, it is inoperable. 😿

Precious is home and doing well; she is eating and has been prescribed pain and anti-inflammatories to keep her comfortable. We will help Precious with her palliative care until the time is right for her to pass over the rainbow bridge peacefully; we will cover the arrangements for her family.

We used the Emergency Fund to pay for Precious’ exam and medications.

Bella from Macungie, Pennsylvania, was drooling; her mom took her to the veterinary clinic, and upon examination, Bella’s veterinarian suspected she had an abscessed tooth.

Sadly, once Bella was on the operating table under sedation, her veterinarian found a large tumor under Bella’s tongue. Bella was diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and surgical removal was impossible. SCC is the most common oral malignancy in cats. SCC is an aggressive cancer in the cat and is often not diagnosed until the tumor is advanced.

Bella’s mom was devastated; she opted to spend a few more days with her sweet little Bella. Bella was given pain medication and anti-inflammatories to keep her comfortable, and on Thursday, we helped with the arrangements. Bella crossed over the rainbow bridge peacefully with her mom by her side. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bella’s mom. RIP, sweet little Bella. 🌈

We used the Emergency Fund to pay for Bella’s end-of-life care.




Donor Advised Funds: A Powerful Tool for Supporting For The Love of Alex