Toast has fully recovered from her Emergency Surgery! πŸ†˜

Toaster, or Toast for short, had eaten something she should not have. Toast had a complete abdominal blockage. Time was of the essence, and Toast needed emergency surgery ASAP! Without surgery, her dad would have had to say goodbye to his sweet girl. Thankfully, Toast's dad found you our truly amazing and kind donors. Your donations saved Toast's life!

Toast was transferred from her local vet to a Specialist Emergency Veterinary Hospital for emergency surgery. The surgery went very well, and the veterinarian pulled elastic hair ties and bits of plastic from Toast's stomach! Toast had to take it easy for a few days, but her dad said she bounced back pretty quickly. Toast had her staples removed yesterday, and her veterinarian was happy with her recovery, and her incision area looks great.

You can help another pet in need of emergency surgery, please donate below:


Elliot had surgery and is doing well! πŸ’™


Khloe is doing well post-op! 🐢