Kilo had P.U. Surgery to save his life!

Kilo had Perineal Urethrostomy surgery on August 25th to surgically open his urethra and make a new, wider opening to prevent future blockages.

Kilo had another setback! Over the weekend, Kilo started straining to urinate and crying in pain. His mom rushed him to the emergency clinic Sunday night, and the veterinarian confirmed that Kilo had an aggressive urinary tract infection.

Kilo is being treated with heavy antibiotics, fluids, and pain medication. This sweet boy has been through so much!

Kilo is on a special urinary prescription food and will have to stay on it for the rest of his life to prevent future problems. The food is costly; it costs $125.38 a month to feed him. We are helping Kilo’s mom with the cost of the prescription food; if you can help feed kilo, please donate today.


Willie Nelson is back on the road again!


Fabulous News! Baby Nubbins is healing well.