Jax The Dog

Jax a black dog sitting with his tongue hanging out and another photo annotating the large tumor.

Poor Jax can’t sleep! Jax the Ohio pup, has a vast mass pushing on his rib cage. X-rays were taken, and the mass has been aspirated and it’s not cancerous; however, the mass has grown so large that Jax sleeps on his back because he is extremely uncomfortable.


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Pets In Most Need


Poor Jax can’t sleep! Jax, the Ohio pup, has a vast mass pushing on his rib cage. X-rays were taken, and the mass has been aspirated and it’s not cancerous; however, the mass has grown so large that Jax sleeps on his back because he is extremely uncomfortable.

Jax was abandoned as a puppy; he was found alone in a rural area until he was saved by a kind animal lover who gave him a safe and loving home for the last seven years. His rescuer and forever mom said, β€œJaxie loves everybody, and pretty much everybody loves him. He loves β€œbye-bye” rides and will carry the leash to you if that will get him a ride! He is the perfect passenger. My health has been tenuous for a while now, but he can pick my day up with one of his many faces.”

Jax’s mom is on disability; she receives a meager income of $1,235.00 a month and barely makes ends meet to cover gas, groceries, dog food, and rent; paying for an expensive veterinary surgical bill isn't feasible.   

Jax is his mom's loyal companion during good days and bad; he deserves to live a good quality of life. Surgery has been scheduled for July 26th. Please help this handsome boy today!


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